Wednesday, June 12, 2019

SMART way of SEO Services we must follow


As we see in business it takes time to grow it in proper shape to generate handsome profit. SEO is like that it also takes time to get into a proper shape to get attractive return from them. It is not that we will start SEO for our websites & start getting return with this service. 

Most of the businessmen loss their patient to continue this service after a few months but as per a Professional seo company in kolkata says that we should at least continue SEO Services for 6 months to maintain rank positions in popular SERP’s. 

If you do not have enough time & expertise, then you should go for SMART SEO Strategy.

What is S.M.A.R.T SEO Goal?

S= Specific
M= Measureable
A= Achievable
R= Realistic                  
T= Time bound

Goals: Specific

Sometimes we see that after ranking a keyword in Top position do not get enough return in respect of traffic, leads & sales etc. Specific Keyword ranking is often too large goal for Medium & Small Sized businesses. But an Expert of SEO Services of our company says that breaking it into small goals is more effective to achieve more visitors, leads & also sales.

Goals: Measureable

A goal which is not measured is absolutely value less. When a seo company provides seo services for their clients they always consult all related Data so that they can understand what the improvement against ranking keywords is. So it is again suggested to go for small goals to mark amount of traffic increased, what time traffic is increased, Demographics of customers etc. These measureable goals can help us to improve our business in a better way.

Some Measureable Points:       
1.     Checking ranks of organic keywords
2.     Checking ranks of Local keywords
3.     Trust flow
4.     Citation flow
5.     Link building
6.     No of links
7.     No of organic traffic
8.     Pages that generate more traffic

Goals: Achievable

How to know that SEO goals are achievable or not?
1.     Resources are enough to achieve these goals
2.     Are these goals can impact your business
3.     Resources are ready to deal to increase traffic

Goals: Realistic

Relevant is the term which is related to realistic goals. Relevant keywords are those which are closely related to the products you sell /services you provide. Content should be also relevant to these search terms.

Goals: Time bound

Set up all goals, monitoring etc. are time taking. It may take few years to achieve goals in this service. There is no such time frame in it. We have to take a make timeframe to achieve goals. Actually it is a challenge to stay focused on it. Our SEO Company can increase traffic with an affordable SEO Packages in India very professionally to reach clients goal.

A SMART way of SEO can deliver you a good result with in a time frame if it is done professionally. It cannot give you a magical result in a short time but help you make a winning goal which is achievable in a certain period of time.

In brief:

S = specific increase of traffic up to 20%
M= ranking of keywords are easily measureable
A= Improve ranking is achievable
R= Realistic ranking achievement
T= Achievement within 12 months

Google search algorithm is always changing & to stay updated always monitor if necessity change SEO Strategies periodically.