Friday, March 17, 2017

How to Be Careful for Link Building Strategies in SEO Services?

How to Be Careful for Link Building Strategies in SEO Services?

Even if you are not an expert in SEO Services in India, you may have heard about the involvement of link building strategies and how it contributes in seo services.  Well, it does not mean links carry the same value for each SEO campaign or the strategies. As the ranking algorithm develops, do follow the link building strategies carefully.

Find it how:

·        Evolution of link building over time: In the past, link-building strategies do not follow the regulations and there was no development of algorithm to punish link-building offenders. However, with time, things have changed a lot. With each passing year, Google has been coming up with advanced algorithms to give better search experience. Such changes have been introduced to impose penalties for SEO and webmasters for unethical link building. Panda and Penguin update in 2011 and 2012 respectively penalize the website for poor quality content and Spammy link building effort. So SEO India is very careful about this link building strategy.

·        How not to build links:
Before knowing the “must-to-do” fact for SEO link building strategy, know the factors that may put you into trouble:

ü Spammy comment on blogs or forums: In the past, people commented on blogs and forums, only for building links. However, in reality, blogs and forums carry a small amount of link value. Instead, you should provide valuable and useful content to the people from your community. As per a top seo company in Kolkata, do not do any Spammy comment  on blogs or forums

ü Directory submission: Once iconic strategy is a nightmare today for websites. As per the best seo company in India, directories do not give the same link value like before. With the repetitive addition of links to directories, companies are also seen spamming to search engines like Google.  Hence, it is advised to be cautious before using directories.

ü Low-quality guest posting and article submission: Search engines often look down on low-quality content followed by fast delivery of article submission. Google update now devalues the poor quality content that does not satisfy online users. Thus, whether it is a blog post or an article submission, poor quality content can never rank higher on search engines.

ü Paid links: It is highly advised by a Top SEO Company in India, not-to-buy links. This is an old black hat technique and often seen as an immediate sign of trouble.

·        Info-graphic links: Be aware of how links are often copied whilst someone copies infographics. Widgets are also used in the same way and they are not appreciated by anyone.

·        Link building practices that do not harm:

Link building strategy can help in improving your site’s SEO and boost the ranking. On the contrary to unethical link-building strategies, be wary of ethical ways to improve online presence of your brand, increase the number of visitors and thus, boost sales.

ü Content marketing: A top SEO Company India says that earning good links start with quality content that provides more value to prospective clients. On the other hand, poorly written content that was intended for getting links will face penalties too. This is not a one-time effort and you should work in delivering fresh and quality content consistently. You should rather focus in providing valuable information and not gain more links.

ü Produce quality posts: Reach out businesses and their website in your industry and write a high quality blog post on their website’s blog section. It is important to mention the value that your blog posts will bring, before you post.

ü Competitive link building: If you do not know where to submit a guest blog post or forums better for your blog or article posting, look for resources your competitors use to get links for seo services.

ü Interact within a community: Internet is full of social hubs, online communities, which are dedicated to every industry. Voice your expertise through any of these platforms relevant to your business niche. The reason for getting engaged with these platforms is to provide valuable information and not for building links only.

ü Encourage interaction and sharing:  Write quality content that is worthy to be read and can be shared on social media platforms. Share your content on company’s social media channels. Next to that, get creative, and re purpose contents into different formats, like videos, presentations etc. are very effective for seo strategies. Your focus should be on relationship building and offering valuable information to customers.

ü Broken link building: An effective link building makes a lot of sense by fixing broken links on your site and other sites, from where you want links. Firstly, look for the broken links on pages that interest you and pages that no longer exist amongst them. Next to this, reach out to the website owner and suggest them a new page that could provide value to their audience.

If you have not done any link building strategies yet or are still stuck in the link building tactics of long-gone period, you are missing a lot of potential search engine power. A SEO services company knows how much time and consistency link building takes. It is all about providing quality information instead of maintaining the quantity.

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