Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What is the role of content in a PPC campaign?

As the tile implies, content has a role to play in PPC campaigns, right? As far as we all know PPC campaigns are means to acquire visitors by paying certain amount of money to the search engines. So, what role can content play in that? The answer is- a lot. While the PPC ads are going to send visitors to your website, it is content of the landing pages that will help them to stick longer and ultimately convert. Let’s dig into more details with a digital marketing agency in Kolkata and understand the complete process of how you can use content to convert casual visitors.

·         Relevancy- Once your visitors land on your page through the PPC ads, they will try to seek information they need. If you can provide that in your content then they will stay or else they will not spend another moment on your website. So, make sure that your content is relevant to the information they seek. Keywords and key phrases should seem natural and not stuffed into the content for gaining ranks in search engines. If none of the above complies with your content on the landing page, your website is going to suffer an increased bounced rate. Hence, relevancy is absolutely necessary.

·         Enhance selling factors- Unlike that in retail stores, you cannot employ a sales person to convince the prospective clients/customers. Your content is the only option you have. So make sure it gives out your business USPs and highlight the factors that make you better from your competitors. In short, give your clients or customers a detailed review of how your business is going to benefit them and what are your advantages over others. Your content should be able to interact and act like the sales person here so make it compelling enough to convert visitors.

·         Call-to-Action buttons- If conversion is your sole aim then make sure you have the necessary tools ready in all the pages of your website. So that when users land on your pages, they do not have to look for the next step. Keep it ready in front of them so as to save their time and lower your anxiety levels. Therefore the Call-to-Action buttons should be placed somewhere on the top of all your pages so that users do not have to look all around for them, get irritated and bounce away.

·         Structure of the content- Too much text in long paragraphs is not likely to please your visitors. If they have come to buy something or get a service, chances are, they will not give any extra effort to read the long paragraphs. So make your content precise and to the point. Divide it into segments rich with information relevant to your clients need. And do not forget to use white spaces and contrasting elements to highlight important areas.

·         Video content- Putting videos and graphics into your content can enhance the experience of your visitors. However, make them relevant to the topic of interest and check them thoroughly before uploading. Also, do not use up the available space of your content with videos that take a huge time to load or do not play at all. And, be careful about the auto play option. Let the users make their own choice.

·         Plagiarism issues- Make sure the content of all your landing pages are unique and freshly written. Try use the Copyscape premium to check for plagiarism issues. If you have taken content from other pages of your website, it is wise to exclude PPC from that page using the “no index” variable.

Thus, you can see how the simple content of your landing pages can influence the decision of your visitors to convert. Hence, it is wise to keep the aforementioned things in mind before you get ready to launch a PPC campaign. If you are still confused regarding what to do and how to incorporate all this knowledge in your content, contact experienced and reliable SEO Services in India to help you in your online marketing campaign.

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