Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Interstitial Update by Google Suggests Exit of Pop-ups in 2017

Interstitial Update by Google Suggests Exit of Pop-ups in 2017

By now, all of us are aware about Google’s update for its mobile-friendly search algorithm in 2017. What will this update do? It will start penalizing the websites that show “intrusive interstitials” or in simpler words, the websites that display pop-up ads making it harder for mobile users to find and access a piece of content. So, it’s time for businesses in India and abroad, to modify and to upgrade skills of SEO India sooner. 

Why Google wants this update?

To keep it short and simple, Google’s motive behind this initiative is to allow mobile users easily access their required content, soon when they land on the web page.

Well, this might be sad news for you and the best SEO Company in India, if you are a marketer obsessed for leads and conversions.

Okay, let us come to the point. Marketers and businessmen also know how irritating are those pop-ups, but they still don’t stop displaying them. You think it will generate thousands of leads and a long list of email subscribers.

But, do you actually know why they even subscribe? For they don’t have any other option left! People get pissed off with those continuously popping-up forms and newsletter.

It is understood that you want leads and engagement for your website, but as per a Top SEO Company India, you are actually losing them? It is true you get new email subscribers and leads, but they don’t buy your products and services, right?

Why not try some other ways to have increased leads and conversion rates? Yes, there are certain alternatives for your motive. Let us discuss about some now.

1. Create valuable engaging content, rather than pop-ups

If your intention is to attract more audience with your content, why don’t you try developing high-quality content upgrades for seo services?

This is what Neil Patel and Brian Dean do in their blog posts. They embed a content upgrade right there in the blog posts.

You must be thinking, what’s so nice about it? Well, by displaying a PDF upgrade for your content, people who actually want the information will provide you their email address and download the PDF file. This means you will engage a reader who has got interest in your products and services.

You know how helpful it is?

This states that you will probably get a customer who could even buy your products adding to your sales.

2. Start using NudgeSumo as an alternative

How about staying in front of your audience without pissing them off? Yes, it is possible. Start using NudgeSumo

How it works?

See, how the best SEO companies in India are planning to use it:

·        Unnoticeable call-to-actions: The writer of a piece of content posts with a call-to-action line.
·        Imply its actual value: It is important to illustrate the exact value of the added CTA. For now, it is the form of PDF file a reader can download which works as a content upgrade.
NudgeSumo not just allows you to get leads but also builds a relationship with the writer. For instance, if a sentence in an article is highlighted, the readers will see a Nudge box that initiates interaction asking for their feedback and requirement before submitting any information to you.

In case a reader answers “yes”, you can further ask them if they are interested to go through a follow-up article. By using Nudge, you also have an opportunity to ask for additional help of a reader. Just ask them if they could share the article, only if they liked it.  

You are not just increasing your content reach and generating anew lead, but also giving a chance to your reader for better engagement. It is something that would give them a sense of being valued by you.


3. Try including a subscribe form into your content

Yet another way to attract visitors and get leads from your website without exploding pop-up boxes every minute on their face. Why don’t you try incorporating a subscribe form directly into your content page? 
This saves you from Google penalty and ensures that readers are subscribing to you with their own will accord. These subscriptions are not forceful steps followed by your visitors because of the blocking pop-ups now and then.

Sorry, but I am just being real.

Here’s how you can do it:

From a survey conducted for these subscriptions, it was found that in a period of three months, the page got around 490 emails. On the contrary, the running pop-ups on the blog posts grabbed around 850 leads. Okay, I agree that pop-up leads were higher, but what about the click rates?

Email subscribers showed almost 38 clicks as compared to the 28 clicks of pop-ups. So, subscribe forms beat pop-ups in the race. Also, the overall engagement of email subscribes was higher than those who forcefully subscribed with pop-ups.   

This is why a Top SEO Company India is now adopting these alternatives to save their clients from getting penalized.
I must add, there are a lot of factors that play a major role for engagement rates:
·        Content quality
·        Time when mails are sent in a day
·        Time of an year when emails are sent
·        Subject of the content
·        User point of view for the segment

          However, most of the leads coming from pop-ups were unqualified and they produced lower overall engagement.

Finally, I would like to remind you that 2017 has already started and now it’s high time you start implementing interstitial removal from your website. The bitter truth is they are going to affect you negatively in the future. Earlier when pop-ups were new to people they didn’t realize how irritating they are. But now, they very well know about it and just get annoyed.

If you really want to generate good and effective leads, want more people buy your services and products, first make sure they are happy with you. As such, ask your SEO service provider in Kolkata to remove interstitial from your website as soon as possible.  

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